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Get the "wow factor!"


Garden lighting is a fantastic way of doing just that. 

Whether you are highlighting accents and garden features, uplighting large or special trees or creating silhouettes to create a mood in your garden. As you entertain, your friends and family will just love being in your new space. 


Low Voltage lighting with LED globes are very cheap to run, safe and effective. 

Together with our designers we can discuss the possibility of using lighting within your landscape. Change of Scenery Landscapes works with suitably qualified and licenced electricians and together we can help you achieve anything. 


Entry lighting, driveways and path directional lights allow for safe access to your home.

Specific lighting can highlight, create mood lighting or create dramatic silhouettes behind garden plants and features.  

Task lighting for entertaining and outdoor dining can be added to high walls, pergolas and eaves as needed. 


We also like to consider how  you would like your lights to be switched, from timers to dusk settings or conventional switches. There are endless possibilities which will make your space completely special. 





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Blue Mountains member of the Landscape Association
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